Frequently Asked Questions

Alamance Pediatric Dentistry in Burlington, NC answers your most commonly asked questions about child oral care. Learn more about your children’s dental needs, and teach them the proper ways of taking care of their teeth.

How is a pediatric dentist different from an adult dentist?
Pediatric dentists have an extra 2 to 3 years of specialized training to learn about children’s oral health, from infancy to their teen years. Children in each stage of development need different approaches in maintaining optimum dental health.

When should I begin bringing my child to the dentist?
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends bringing your child to the dentist when he or she turns 1. Encourage toddlers by saying positive things about the visit.

Do not make a big deal out of it, and remind the child about the prize and sticker they will earn for being a good helper. Avoid using phrases such as, “It won’t hurt.”

Regardless of your child’s age, oral hygiene instructions and nutritional recommendations will be reviewed. We will clean your child’s teeth, obtain dental x-rays if needed (usually starting around age 3 or 4), and apply fluoride varnish. Children can sit on their parent’s lap during the visit if they are not yet ready to sit on the dental chair.

Why are primary teeth so important if they will eventually fall out?
Primary teeth are important for proper chewing and eating, maintaining space for the permanent teeth, and permitting normal development of the jaw bones and muscles. Healthy primary teeth are also important for your child’s self-esteem.

When will my child start getting teeth?
Children’s teeth can begin to erupt through the gums at approximately 6 months, and all primary teeth should appear by the age of 3. Permanent teeth start appearing between ages 5 and 7 and continue erupting until age 21.

Can a permanent tooth that has been knocked-out be saved or put back in?
If the tooth is sound, try reinserting it into the socket. If this isn’t possible, place the tooth in a cup of saliva or milk. Afterward, go to the dentist immediately for professional assistance. Do not attempt to reinsert a primary (baby) tooth.